Archive for the ‘Letters To My Children’ Category

I Will Meet You There (4/7/09)

Friday, April 17th, 2009

My Dear Children,

I usually try to share a little of my past in these letters. This one is a little different, a little of my past hopefully some of my future and your future.

This is something that happened about four years ago here in Florida concerning my next door neighbor. He was a gentle, friendly man that lived by himself, his wife had died and he had family up north. I met some of His family and they were Christian people.

He became very sick and was taken to the hospital and we went to see him and pray for him a couple of times. One Sunday, when I was in church, the Holy Spirit told me I needed to go and see him again, that he was very close to death. That afternoon I went back to the hospital to see him. He told me, I will never leave this hospital, and I knew it was the truth. I asked him if he had ever asked Jesus into his life to be his Savior? He told me he had not done that. I thought to myself how can I reach this man?

I told him that I had met his family and I knew they were all Christians. I said to him; “I know you really love your family don’t you?” He said; “yes!”   “Don’t you want to see them again?” He said: “Yes!” I said; “Then ask Jesus into your heart and you will see all your family again”. He started weeping and asked Jesus into his life and he was filled with peace and joy and he died that same day. I was able to share with his children  later and they were so filled with joy.

My dear children you may wonder why I shared this little part of my life with you. I am not ready to die and I don’t expect you to either. I heard a song three or four years ago, the title was; “I will meet you there”.

One day I expect to leave here and go see all my loved ones from the past, my Mom and my Dad and many other family members and a lot of past friends and this man I was speaking about. I want you to meet me there as well.

Jesus said: “I am the way the truth and the life, no man come to my Father but by Me.” This is the way that I have chosen. I am convinced it is the right way to eternal life with God.

My dear children, I want you all to come and join me when you leave this earthly body. That is where I shall be and I will meet you there!

I think of all of you and pray for often.

May god bless you with a life of Peace and Joy!

Your loving Dad     

Enjoy Life (3-19-09)

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

My dear Children,

I am in Arcadia Florida.  I just came in from a brisk two-mile walk and I enjoyed it.  It got my blood flowing and made me feel good.  Pauline always gets up earlier than I do.  At seventy-one, she is a pretty busy lady.  She starts off with an hour of exercise and then a two-mile walk.  We don’t often walk together because we walk at different speeds and she often walks with some of her friends of which she has many.

Pauline is more of a people person then I am, she loves to be busy all the time.  She love’s to play games.  I, on the other hand, am not a very good game person.  I like to win all the time and I don’t, so I don’t enjoy it so much.  Pauline enjoys it if she wins or not.  As a result, she plays games every chance she gets.  I only play when I have to.

Now I enjoy working picture puzzles.  I can work on them for hours. Pauline doesn’t like the way I work on them because I put all the edge pieces together first and then I pick some particular object in the puzzle and put that together and so I have several parts I am working on. That is to much disorder for Pauline so she will not do it. She would start in one place and keep building on it till she was done.  So I work on a good puzzle and Pauline plays her games with her several friends and we both enjoy what we are doing.  We are enjoying life and we have stopped robbing one another of enjoyment.  I remember something Donald my brother shared at a meeting many years ago.  It had to do with a bucket of joy.  Whenever your bucket is full of joy there is always someone around that would like to take it from you or kick your bucket over.

Dear children don’t insist that everyone be like you, and you don’t have to be like everyone else. Try to enjoy life to the fullest and don’t hinder someone else from enjoying it.

Several years of our marriage was not very good because we were expecting more from one another than what we had to offer.  One thing I have learned over a long period of time; It takes time to learn to be a good giver and expect nothing back.  It also takes a long time to learn to be a gracious receiver from those that want to give something to you and not get paid for it.  I pray that you will learn this faster then I did.

So many people wanted to help me through the years and I did not know enough to axcept that help.

Why didn’t I accept that help?  I had too much pride!  And I had no reason to be prideful.  I had never done anything to be proud of.

My dear children may the Lord Jesus bless everyone of you with a little humility.

I pray for every one of you every day.

I love you,


Live Your Own Life (2-20-09)

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

To My Dear Children,

            I was just thinking how much you have to contend with compared with when I grew up. I remember sitting around the table with a kerosene lamp and we had one little bulb hanging from the ceiling for our kitchen light. I expect you know this, but my mother Lena died when I was a child one and a half years old. We lived in Lyndonville Vt. That was in 1930.  Dad worked for the railroad; there was a large railroad center there at that time. They made railroad cars and rebuilt the steam engines. My dad was a machinist, worked rebuilding the steam engines for about thirty years. When my mother died, he moved back to Barton to the old homestead on May Hill. I believe that my Grandfather Henry built that house before he went blind. My grandmather was a full blooded Abenakie Indian from New Hampshire and Maine area.

We moved to Barton and she took care of us five children until she died and my dad traveled back and forth to Lyndonville all those years. When she became old and sick my Aunt Marjorie came and lived with us and took care of us. I remember a lot of good times in that house. Aunt Marjorie could play the piano and we would all gather around that piano and sing a lot of old songs. We all loved it. There was a porch all across the front of the house and we spent a lot of time out on that porch watching the people go by.  To begin with it was mostly horse and wagons and the a few truck and cars. One was a truck that picked up the milk each morning, another was an ice truck that delivered ice to cool the milk cans and to put in our ice box. They would come around about two or three times a week. We lived on a small farm about a mile from the village square.

I remember the town square and a lot of good memories about ice cream and candy and running around having fun with all the other kids. We had a band concert every week and all the folks around would come. Most places they don’t do that any more. We live a second-handed life through someone on TV.

My dear children; you have only one lifetime, don’t be afraid to live it to the fullest. You will encounter a lot of people that have an agenda for your life. Don’t fit into someone’s agenda just to make them feel good. Take a real good look at what you are capable of and go for it.

I want to encourage you to live an active, first-hand life. In this day it is so easy to live someone else’s life instead of your own. I think that every one of us is a lot more capable than we think we are. My prayer is that you will see all of your capabilities and use them to the fullest.

God Bless You,

Your Loving Father  

Speech Is A Wonderful Thing (1-14-09)

Thursday, January 15th, 2009

Dear Children,

Being able to speak is a wonderful thing. Use it to the fullest and do not abuse it.  But I want to warn you speech can be very destructive; you can injure people with your words. The things you speak have a way of returning and hurting you. Learn to speak well and it will bless you. Our words are like seeds that we plant and bear good or bad fruit.

There is a lot of crude speech that you will have to put up with, but you are not to get caught up with the practice of it. Some may think it is smart to be crude; it is not. It is demeaning to those you speak to and demeaning to you as well.

I remember something the Lord told me several years ago and I have never forgotten it. He said, ”The Holy Spirit is a gentleman, everything He says or does is in a gentlemanly way”. As a result of what the Lord said many times down through the years I have spoken and acted differently. My dear sons and daughters I encourage you be gentleman and gentlewomen all the days of your life.

I also want you to use this wonderful speech the Lord has given you, to speak with the Lord God often. I don’t know what kind of relationship you have with God I hope and pray that it is a close one.

Whatever you believe regarding God and the Lord Jesus, I want you to speak to Him often. This you are to do.  It is very important! Speak to Him about every problem, ask for His help and advice. He will hear you and He will help you. I firmly believe the reason He gave us speech was so that we could communicate with Him as well as with one another. He has saved me many times down through the years.

My dear children with our speech we bring forth life or death, make friends or enemy’s.  If you realize that your speech is not always bringing forth good fruit ask the Holy Spirit to help you.  The tongue is very hard to control. The Holy Spirit will nudge you just before you speak and when He does; pay attention and be silent and He will tell you to say something different and you will learn to speak life.

I pray the Holy Spirit bless you in this way.

You are always in our prayers.

God bless you.

We love you,

Mom and Dad Nault

My Christmas Past (12-06-08)

Thursday, January 15th, 2009

My Dear Children,

My prayer is that you will have a wonderful time celebrating the birth of Jesus and that you will not forget that ( Jesus, is the reason for the season)!

I remember our Christmas times when I was a child and how excited I would be when we would go out and pick the Christmas tree, out in our pasture.  At times there was a lot of snow but what fun we had trying to decide which was the most perfect one.

I must confess that I did not give a lot of thought to Jesus or his birthday. We would sing Christmas songs and I think we always had small statues of the birth of Christ with the sheep and the shepherds. I was all excited with the decorations and the tree and all the special little things around like candy, fruit and nuts, which we did not have very often. I was always in a hurry to see what was in my stocking. We all had a stocking hanging somewhere and Christmas morning it was always full.

A couple of years ago someone was telling me that when they were a child if they were naughty their stocking would have a lump of coal in it. I am glad that Jesus didn’t give me a lump of coal because I was naughty, He forgave me instead! What a way to destroy a child’s Christmas.

My dear children don’t ever give someone a lump of coal give them a little love and grace instead.

My dad would give me a dollar or two to buy presents and I would go to the dime store.  What fun I had buying little things for my family. I spent a long time looking and deciding what to buy for my brother and sister’s for a nickel, dime or a quarter at the most and then be very secretive to get them home and wrap up each little gift.

As soon as the tree was up, I would hide these gifts on the tree. Other gifts would begin to appear and I would try to see who they were for. As I look back now, that week or two before Christmas was so filled with expectation.  And after all the gifts were given out and opened it was kind of a letdown.

Christmas morning I just couldn’t wait for everyone to get up so we could open the presents. It seemed like they multiplied overnight. I realize now we did not have a lot of money so all our big gifts were clothes that we needed for school and the winter. I remember the little gifts from my family many of which were homemade, Christmas was wonderful!

Dear family I want you to know we didn’t lack anything. I expect my dad would have liked to do a lot more for us but I want him to know he did enough. We did not lack anything our house was filled with love, peace and joy all the things that are important.

The angels sang Joy to the world, we had it.  Jesus said peace I give you, we had it.  Jesus said love one another and we did.  All these years have gone by and we still have peace and joy in our family. Thank you Jesus for your wonderful gifts given so freely.

Now I can say I am much more aware that Christmas is the birthday celebration of our Savior Jesus Christ and the gift from Him is eternal life.

My dear children make sure you receive the gift of spiritual life there is no greater gift and it is there for the asking.  

You are in my thoughts and prayers every day.

All my love,


It Is Good To Be Ready (10-27-08)

Thursday, October 30th, 2008

My Dear Children,

Guess what?!  October fifth was my seventy-eighth birthday.  The amazing thing is I feel just as good as I did when I was thirty.  One major change, I gained about thirty pounds.

We are now in Wisconsin and fall is in the air.  There were a few snowflakes falling yesterday and I expect there will be a lot more in a few weeks.  We will be leaving here Saturday on our way to Florida and leave the snow for others to enjoy.

I was thinking back to when I was a child in the fall of the year.  It was a busy time!  It was the time to get ready for winter.  We always had a big garden with all kinds of vegetables; corn, potatoes, beans, pumpkins, squash and other things.  We would slaughter a cow and a pig and put it away for the winter.  We would all work on the wood pile and fill up the woodshed and we had to have plenty of hay and grain for the horse and cows.  Winter was coming and you had to be ready.

I remember Dad plowing the fields and getting some of the stuff done for spring.  These were things that had to be done, winter was coming, and you could not put them off till some other time.

Dear children, fall is here for us as a nation.  Are you prepared?  What do we look to now?  Our money has lost much of its value.  Many people are losing their homes or in danger of doing so.  This could be a very crucial time as to what direction this nation takes for the future.  Are you prepared for change?

Many people are out of work or afraid they will be.  Fear has gripped many people young and old alike.  Are you ready for winter?

People are angry, and they are afraid.

Dear children do not let anger control your thoughts or actions.  Do not let fear control your thoughts and actions.  Do not be afraid of the coming winter.  Look inward and not outward.  Look to God and not to the world.

I thank God that He holds my future and it is secure in Him.  My security is not in the dollar or in who is elected.  I look to the faith that God has given me and I have peace.  The winter does not frighten me!  Who is elected does not frighten me!  And some of my money is gone, that does not frighten me!

It is a time of change and I think it is time for change in us and in our nation.

Dear children, winter is only a season and another spring is coming.  Go into your heart, let God prepare you for the winter.  Look to your faith, look forward with hope and expectation, there are some good things ahead.

You are all in my thoughts and prayers,

Your loving Dad

My Wonderful Dad (09-18-08)

Thursday, October 30th, 2008

My beloved Children,

I was just lying on the couch taking a little nap, when I awoke I was thinking of my dad and what a wonderful man he was.  From my first remembrance of him as a little child he was a gentle man.  I remember him holding me on his lap and I think we were both enjoying those times.  I remember riding on his shoulders and I loved it.  He would throw me up in the air and catch me.  What a thrill and what fun that was.  We sometimes forget some of those wonderful moments of our lives.

I didn’t realize at that time that he had only one good leg.  When he was twenty-one he lost a leg from the knee down in a motorcycle accident.  Dad had a girl friend and they were to be married and she decided not to go through with it. Later he met Lena Garry, they married, had five children and I was the last.  She came down with TB and died when I was one and a half years old.  I am just waiting to meet her in heavenly places and get to know her.

Dad also played the banjo but after my mother died he very seldom played it.  Once in a while we could get him to play but it must have brought back memories of Lena so he didn’t play very often.  Now I realize he must have been a very lonely man.  He never remarried until we were all grown up.  He then married Ruth Kinsley and had two more children.  Ruth was a wonderful woman and we really loved her.

I had such great times with my dad.  I loved to fish and he took me fishing often.  We had a boat down on the lake just a short distance from home.  We would go down on the lake in the evening and row out to about ten feet of water and anchor.  Our bait would be night crawlers or suckers.  The fishing was good and in an hour or two we would catch two fish apiece, either lake trout or salmon and they would be about twenty two inches long.  Boy these fish were good eating!  What fun we had, it still blesses my soul as I think of it now.

Dad would take me out hunting.  I didn’t have a gun yet and he would make me walk in his footsteps.  I had to really pay attention because when he would stop I had to stop three paces behind him.  I don’t recall getting a lot of game.  I expect I was making to much noise.

Another memory of those early years was riding on the farm equipment.  Dad would hold me on his lap and we would rack hay, plow ground or harrow.  I am sure I was in the way most of the time but Dad put up with me anyhow.

Sometimes when we think of the good old days, they didn’t seem so good but in spite of that there were some good times, a lot of good times!

Dear children remember the good times, think of them now and then.  I am sure they will bless you even as they have blessed me.  I have a storehouse full of these wonderful memories of my Dad, my family, and friends and so do you.  Go to that storehouse and check it out now and then, it will bless you.

God bless you my dear family.

With Love,

 Your Dad

A Burden Of Debt (08-25-08)

Thursday, October 30th, 2008

My Dear Children,

I think of you often and pray for you every day.  I encourage you to make a habit of praying every day.  This is an important part of our Christian walk.

I also want to remind you God is still in control in these uncertain times.  Do not live in fear.  Keep your spiritual eyes on Jesus and you will have peace in your heart and mind.  Don’t allow other people to stir up your mind and emotions and rob you of peace.  Stay away from those that bring dissension and bring peace and healing wherever you can.  You will be pleasing to God.

Dear children, be good listeners.  It seems like some folks do not learn much because they never learn to listen and even when they do they are so easily distracted.  If you want to get to know someone well you must listen to them.  You learn more by listening then you do by talking.  One of the interesting things I have found is that if you can get someone to talk that never talks much they have some very interesting things to say.  On the other hand if we talk to much it drives some folks away.  May God give you the wisdom of when to talk and when to remain silent?

Many years ago in the early years of our marriage, Pauline and I went through some very difficult years.  We did not have a lot of money and there were a lot of things we wanted.  Everything we wanted cost money and as a result we used credit and our debt just got bigger and bigger.  It became a terrible burden that was hard to bear and very hard on our relationship.  Some of the things we bought, we really did not need and didn’t even use once we had it.  I think the bible calls it (Lust of the eyes), some people call it (keeping up with the neighbors).

I reached a point when I just wanted to sell my house, go out west somewhere and never come back!  I could not sell my house!  I put out signs for sale; put it in realtor’s hands, no one would even look at the house.  I tried this for several years and never had an offer on the house.  I had to face the fact God was not going to let me run away.  We stopped buying and started paying debts.  After several years the dept was gone and we had become better stewards of our money.  The holes were gone from our money bags what a relief, the burden of debt was gone.  And don’t forget, dept is a burden that is relentless.  I just thought of an old song “Change your reckless way of living.” Overspending is a reckless way of living that catches up with you after a while.

Dear loved ones, I know it is hard to learn from someone else’s experience.  I hope your experience with dept will not be as difficult as mine was.  It almost destroyed our marriage.

I hope and pray that sharing some of our life with you will make your life a little better and that we had our share of struggles even as you do.  I guess that is all for now.  Keep pressing on.  Don’t forget to go to Jesus and the Holy Spirit for help, they have helped me so many time in my life.

All my love and prayers,

Your loving Father   

The First Place To Go (07-31-08)

Sunday, August 3rd, 2008


My Dear Children,

The thoughts and prayers on my mind today are for you’re well being that you need not go through more pain and suffering then necessary.  We all have suffering and pain in our lives and there is a purpose for it but none of us want any more then is necessary. Pauline and I had our share of pain in the early years of our marriage and we went through more then we needed to because we did not go to the right place first.  We needed help.  We were not prepared for marriage so thing went badly very soon and we did not know how to help one another.  I reached the place where I carried a gun around with me and was thinking about killing myself.  The church had taught that if you committed suicide then you went to hell and I did not want to go there.  That is not the first place to go! Dear children do not consider suicide!  I think most of us come under that attack at some time in our lives.  Quickly say no, there is a better place to go.We did not want our marriage to fail but we could not make it work.  We went to friends; we went to councilors; we went to the church and to the priest.  We tried every way we could think of things only seemed to get worse.  We decided to go for separation and divorce.  I went to a lawyer to make the arrangements for separation and he set things up to see the judge to go through with this.  The evening before we were to go to judge, I sat on my living room couch very depressed.  And I just spoke to God and said, “God I have failed, I have failed as a father, as a husband, I have failed my parents, I have failed the church, I am a failure.”  I got up from the couch and walked up to the church. There was a young priest walking in front of the church.  He could see that I was very troubled and asked if he could do anything for me.  I said, “No I just want to go in the church by myself.”  He said, “Fine I will let you in and turn on a light you can stay as long as you want no one will bother you.”  I went into the church and went right up to the altar.  I lay down on my face and just cried out to God.  I said, “God if you are for real and if you will come, and heal my marriage and give me purpose and direction in my life, I will do whatever you ask.”  He came!  The spirit of God came down on me.  First my mind was touched and all the crazy thoughts and the whirlwind in my mind stopped and I had peace in my mind.  What a blessing.  Next, He touched my heart and my mixed up emotions.  My heart became still and all the pain and turmoil was gone from my heart and emotions.  Then He touched my body.  I had stomach ulcers and they were very painful.  All the pain was gone and I felt so wonderful.  Dear loved ones; the peace of God that passes all understanding is so filled with healing. I hope and pray that you all find it.  It is there for every one of you. 

 Remember what I tell you; don’t be foolish like we were and leave the best way till last. Go to Him who is able to help you.  Go there first!  Not last! 

He is waiting to help you in all things; big and small.Dear Children our love and prayers,He loves you even more,Your Father

Uncle Charles’ Place (4/24/08)

Saturday, April 26th, 2008

My Dear Children,

It is a nice warm evening here in Arcadia Florida and we will be leaving to head north in two weeks.  We shared a pizza for dinner with Chris and Elaine they will be leaving on the seventeenth.  I am getting a little restless to be on the road again. 

I was sitting here thinking about my childhood.  Now I realize that many folks considered us poor folks but as I look back I never thought I was poor.  We always had food on the table, heat in the winter, cloths to cover our body, a good house to live in and a nice loving family.  We had Aunt Mary and Uncle Charley next house down the road and we were always welcome there.  I used to stop there often.  They had a big round stove in the middle of the living room that was higher than my head and it was always so warm and comfortable as long as you didn’t get to close.  I remember the pantry, a little narrow room with a long narrow sink a hand pump on one end and on the other end was a pipe sticking out of the wall where the water ran continually.  There was a rag hanging from the pipe that kept the water from splashing.  There was also a bucket with a long handle cup that everybody drank from. Today that would be a no-no for sure.  They had to keep the water running all the time because it came from a spring and if they shut it off in winter it would freeze and in the summer it would become air bound.  This was the good old days and it was a blessing to have running water and not have to prime and pump all the time.

Another thing I remember about their home was a barn about a hundred feet away and that is where the toilet was.  You had to go up to the barn and in one corner a little room with a two holes in it and the wind would blow right up those holes. There were covers for the holes but you had to lift upone of the covers to use it. If I remember right there was big hole and small hole and a catalog hanging there with half the pages torn out.  I used the small hole because I did not want to fall down through that big hole. 

Aunt Mary made the best cookies so every time I went by I made it a point of seeing if she had any extras and she always seemed to have some.  I know some people thought we were poor because we didn’t have much money.  It is not money that makes you rich!  A lot of rich people are poor and they don’t even know it!  The things that really make you rich you can’t buy with money. 

My dear children do not think for a moment that money will make you rich, that is a lie.  Money is only a commodity to use and if it is not used it is worthless.  If money gets the upper hand in your life then it will own you and drive you to make more and more and more and you will become poorer and poorer.  We have never had a lot of money but we are rich and I can’t say we have ever gone lacking.  Some would look at us and say, “You are failures!”  I don’t think so.  I think we are successful.  I remember one night at a prayer meeting and the group wanted to pray for us and we agreed.  They gathered around us and laid hands on us for a blessing and someone asked, “What are your needs?”  Pauline and I looked at one another and realized we didn’t have any needs, maybe a few wants but no needs because we are rich and lacking nothing. 

My dear children I pray that you will see clearly what is poverty is and what riches are.  Up there on May hill in Barton Vermont, we were rich.

Your Loving Father