The Tricky Mind (3/9/08)

My Dear Children

I must warn you! You have a very insidious enemy at work in you, and this enemy uses your thoughts and your emotions if you do not guard them and question them at all times.  I had a conversion experience forty-four years ago when I went to the alter and called on the Lord to help me.  The Lord has been with me all these years in my good times and my bad times.  He is with me now as I write this letter to you.

I must confess to you that I have evil thoughts and evil desires.  I have had to contend with these evil thoughts and desires all these years.  I understand the scripture that says, “Evil is in me, the one that desires to do good.”

May God bless you with discernment to tell the difference between life and death?  That is the issue!  It seems like God has made you and I responsible for how we respond or how we handle our thoughts and emotions.  No one else can do that for you.  You are the responsible ones.  Even while we are at a tender age, evil begins to show itself in us by our words and actions.  I share this with you because I do not remember anyone ever making me aware of this evil in me for many years.  How do you fight an enemy that you are unaware of?

The mind is an amazing thing.  It can store a lifetime of memories.  It can accumulate so much knowledge, not only that it can reason and weigh and test.  It can hear and see and receive thoughts and images from other places, other things and from God.  This is one of the things I am convinced of, we can receive Gods thoughts.  We can also receive thoughts from other sources as well.  This begins to happen to us at a very early age, there are not many around that know how to help us deal with our thoughts and emotions and as a result it takes most of us a life time to come to some place of victory in our minds and hearts.

I know that most of us don’t want to believe there is evil in us but if we begin to pay attention to our thoughts it will not take long for you to see it.  We are not to be controlled by our thoughts and emotions.  We are to control our thoughts and emotions.

I encourage you to do this!  You must do this if you want a good life.  Look around you and see the people that are controlled by every thought and every emotion that comes to them!  Do you want to be like that?  No!  We are to be a people that are spirit controlled that have self-control.

My dear children do not let your tricky thoughts rob you of peace and joy.  Pray and ask the Holy Spirit for good discernment in your thinking and in your emotions.

The Lord bless you with a good mind and clean heart,

Your loving Father

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