Emotions and Feelings
What a wonderful blessing emotions and feelings are. Can you imagine what it would be like if you did not have any? Emotions and feeling go hand in hand. You must have days when you say: “I feel good today!” And other times when you hear of a good report about someone else, you feel good and happy, your emotions rise up and you feel joyous.
Not everyone can feel emotions. For one reason or another, they have stopped working, they are blocked or shut down. I believe that when Adam and Eve fell and were put out of the garden it had a very bad affect on man’s emotional condition. As a result, our emotional being and ability to feel has to be restored. How many of you know that at times you do not function well emotionally? I expect that most of you do.
How many of you notice that at times your spouse and children do not function well emotionally. I expect you would all would say; “Yes that is true!”
Have you noticed that our emotions bear fruit – sometimes good, sometimes bad. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control. Notice how many of these things have something to do with our emotional well being and our feelings.
We are to walk in the Spirit, being led by the Spirit. Why?
When we allow the Holy Spirit and our spirit, to be one in the spirit, then we are able to use our emotions and feeling to send and receive in a positive way, instead of a destructive way. Did you ever notice in a home filled with peace that people’s emotions are under control. In the home filled with chaos everybody’s emotions are all stirred up most of the time, their feeling are all in turmoil. What a playground for the enemy spirit.
Jesus said; “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
What we need to see is the truth that we are not always doing very well emotionally. If we see that we need help and our family members need help, then we can go to the Lord for help and healing. The healthier we are, the more health we bring to people around us.
Emotions and feeling can be positive or negative. It seems to be up to us which way I keep them. I affect others either in a positive or negative way. How is your emotional condition affecting your family?
If we show no emotions or feelings that’s not good. If we are too emotional that is not good either. Each one of us must find that place where we function best. The Holy Spirit will help us to become stable in all our ways and have a very positive influence on the people around us.
A spiritual mature person is one that has learned to control their emotions and feeling, and how to use them in a proper way. How blessed is the person that has stability in their emotions and feelings.