In our spiritual journey we will be conversing with people from many different levels. Some of them are blind and deaf to spiritual things; some of them will be spiritual babies. You will also meet some that are very religious and have no spirituality at all. If we are wise we will pray and ask for discernment to recognize the level of communication so we can have some understanding of each other.
Paul had that discernment, in one place he said; “I can only speak to you as baby’s;” in another he called them mere men; or natural men. Jesus told us to be careful who we shared our pearls with because they would get trampled in the mud.
Several times I have heard people make this comment; I am waiting for my spouse I don’t want to get ahead of my spouse in my spiritual walk. We must keep pressing on or come to a stand still. This would be like a ten year old that has a two year old brother and he decides; I am going to wait for my brother to catch up with me.
Be wise; recognize the level each person is at; have a relationship at that level. I think of a pastor I knew; he had a very structured service Sunday mornings; and a very free moving service in the evening. He was trying to meet the need of everyone; he was a wise man. Lord give us wisdom in our daily lives to communicate well with everyone.