For spiritual growth I would encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity the Lord gives you to expand your faith. We do this through numerous ways; through our speech we share our faith by telling others what God has done for us and what we believe. Sometimes our actions speak louder then any words, as we see the needs of people around us and do something about it, as we lay hands on the sick and use the authority God has given us over evil spirits. All of these things take faith.
Faith can be active or dormant. The question is, which is it? Some might say; “I believe in God!” So do the demons and they tremble in fear. I think of a statement a friend of mine often made; “We affect the world around us just by being there”; I believe that all right and that effect can be good or bad. Jesus certainly affected the world around him in a wonderful way.
I have never given much thought to the fact that faith is a very powerful thing. You can’t see it, but it can move mountains, it moves the hand of God. Faith also can see things the natural eye cannot see. You have probable heard this statement; “That person has blind faith!” No, when you have no faith, then you are blind!
Many people are fearful. They are fearful because they are blind and in the dark. When their faith becomes active many of their fears are gone, because now they can see. Pauline is a wonderful example of this. She was terrified of death and dead people. She would run out of the room of a dead person. After she experienced the Holy Spirit, her faith became active and her fear of death was gone, she could now see.
Some Christian people have a negative affect upon their family and their own spiritual walk, because they are functioning from fear instead of faith.