Question Everything
This message is in response to a letter I received asking several questions regarding the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and the church.
The church does not have all the answers; some think it does, but it doesn’t. The purpose of the church is not to answer all our questions. The purpose of the church is to point us to Jesus; and an opportunity to worship with other believers. Sometimes the church tries to take the place of Jesus, and tries to be our savior, doing so, it becomes a stumbling stone in our spiritual journey.
You do not have to know the bible end to end; nor do all my doctrines and theology have to be perfect, to have a wonderful relationship with Jesus. You do have to respond to the message of the bible which is very clear in John 5:39-40
You search the scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me; and you are unwilling to Me; that you may have life.
I went to God and said; “If you are there and for real, I need you!” He came!
The Jews were in bondage to the Law and religion. Many church people today are in that same condition. Have you been brought into bondage by laws, rules and regulations of the church? Is the church dictating what you can do or not do? The church was never called to be a dictator or law maker; it was called to lift up Jesus Christ and glorify God.
Beware of the trap that some churches use to control you, a set of rules and regulations that seem like holiness but are not, that only lead to self-righteousness and a false sense of holiness.
The other trap is fear. If you leave this church or group, you are going to hell, and you are cut off from God. Beware, for there are churches that use this method to try and control you. Jesus came to set me us free from that kind of mans religious control; refuse to submit to it.
The church is not the perfect teacher or guide, the Holy Spirit is. He has done a wonderful job of it. The law, and the church institution, is my custodian until I meet Jesus.
Read John 14:16-17 and 25-26; also John: 15:26-27; also John: 16:12-13.
There is one God and He is comprised of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit: Jesus and the Holy Spirit reveals to us a loving Father in heaven. As a result, I have a wonderful relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I hope and pray this helps you.