Expect A Miracle (Jan. 10, 2010)

My Dear Children,

I want you to live each day fully; not in fear or worry, knowing that you have a loving God watching over you every day and that He has many blessing for you.

I remember when we were in Germany several years ago; we were talking to someone about visiting America, there comment was they were afraid to go to the United States because there was so much violence.

When Pauline and I were bringing groups to Israel we had the same response from the Americans. We are afraid of some terrible thing happening to us over there.

We can always be afraid of something and allow it to rob us of a nice trip, a good day, a wonderful opportunity or a better job. Pauline is always telling me that I am negative; you know what; she is right, there is a part of me that is always negative. I am not negative all the time, I have a positive side as well, I find that when I function from the positive side I feel better all over.

I am sure you all know what a magnet is; it has a positive and a negative. I think we all have a positive and a negative, what is important is which one we are functioning from.

My dear loved ones; 2010 is going to hold many opportunities for you. Watch for them; some miracles are going to happen in your life and circumstances; don’t allow that negative part of you to rob you of the miracles and blessing.

I remember my brother Donald talking about our bucket of joy and how someone is always trying to rob or spill our bucket of joy.

You expect some good things ahead, you expect to be blessed, you expect good health, you expect a nice vacation, you expect to go fishing and come home with a big catch, and you expect a raise in pay or a better position.

You expect some unexpected miracle and I am praying that you will receive it!

I thinking and praying for you every day, do the same for me.

Your Loving Dad 

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