To start this session of spiritual growth I want to ask you a question.
What did God have to say to you today?
I have asked many Christian people this question and most of them do not have an answer! If I do not know what my Father is saying to me through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, can I really expect to grow spiritually? I know that we can read the bible and get a head knowledge and memorize scripture, that does not mean we are spiritual.
John 10:4-5 “When he puts forth all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. And a stranger they simply will not follow, but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers.
Faith is very important in our spiritual journey. Do you believe that God can speak? Do you believe that he can speak to you? Start applying faith that God is speaking to you, and that you can hear Him; now start listening to Him.
I don’t think that many of you are going to hear a loud voice. You will have to pay attention to your thought life; that is how He is going to speak to most of you. I believe that all of you are receiving thoughts from God every day; you just are not recognizing where they are coming from. You do not recognize His voice when it comes to you as a still quiet thought in your mind. Most of us do not guard our mind; and as a result we have all kinds of stuff going on in our head. Some thoughts are from God, some thoughts are our own and others are right from evil spirits and Satan.
Something you need to know right away; if you are going to grow spiritually it is because you develop a close walk with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The Bible can teach you many things, so can your Church; your priest or pastor; but none of us can take the place of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in your spiritual journey.
I have heard several people down through the years tell me they were waiting for their partner, their husband or wife, don’t wait! The spiritual journey is internal, it is something that happens inside of you, and as it happens it begins to affect the people and things around you. Don’t wait for anyone!
Any questions or comments I would be glad to hear from you. God BlessYou!