If we want to be strong and healthy physically, it is very important we have a good diet and plenty of exercise. This is also true with our soul and our spirit. It is our responsibility when we become of age to be aware of this and do our best to stay as healthy as we can. This is important to our future.
As we continue on our spiritual journey, these things should become more important to us.
Are they?
The social media is a wonderful thing. I think it is great! I can stand only so much of it, though, before I get overloaded. And on television, I watch the number of cooking shows and I think, “No wonder we have so many overweight people.” I see the number of programs promoting sex, and realize it’s no wonder we have so many young women pregnant with no husband. If we are watching this type of shows, our desires can overwhelm us. The same is true with violence and killing. Our emotions become numb.
If we are wise, we will be careful what we take into our body, soul and spirit.
Why is it that we submerge ourselves in this type of stuff?
One of the reasons is that we cannot stand silence. I have noticed as we progress in our spiritual journey, silence and peace become more valuable to us. We don’t have to overindulge in our physical body, emotions, or let our mind become a broken record out of control. We don’t have to be afraid of stillness and of God’s presence. As a result of being silent, we are able then to get in touch with our spirit.
Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.
Many people like noise and they look for it. They submerge themselves in it constantly, but we need balance. When we quiet our body and our soul life, then we become aware of God in the inner part of our being, our spirit.
Only then can we sense and feel life flowing up from the innermost part of our being. Only then can we enter into the flow of it. How blessed are those of us who find that place