Spiritual Growth #14 (April 16, 2010)

One of the things that happen as we grow spiritually is, we begin to question how adequate we are.  This is a very important issue. Many of us have placed a lot of confidence in our own strength and in own abilities, this must change.

Paul speaks of this in 2 Corinthians 3:5-6:  And such confidence we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God. Who also made us adequate as servants, not of the letter, but of the Spirit: for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

I want to share with you an incident that happened to me a long tome ago. When the Lord brought me into this ministry He showed me some of the things that were going to happen. I made the mistake of trying to make them happen. After about a year of trying and failing I gave up and told God I don’t want this ministry I can’t do it.  He said; “no the ministry is yours; I did not show you what you had to do; I showed you what I was going to do!”

Don’t make the mistake of trying to be spiritual. When you were a child did you have to try to be a child? No! You just naturally did childish things. You have now turned to the Lord and have been born-again of the Spirit, you don’t have to try to be spiritual, and you are spiritual. Now it is just a matter of using your spiritual senses and letting them develop.

Relax, don’t try to be super spiritual overnight, it took you years to grow up naturally and it is going to take time for you to grow up spiritually. Look around you at the young people.  Do they make mistakes? Did you make mistakes growing up? You are going to make a few mistakes in your spiritual journey. Don’t be to hard on yourself, keep pressing on, keep your eyes on Jesus, and stay attuned to the Holy Spirit. You will find that in your daily life you will become more and more fruitful in your speech and in your actions as your spiritual growth increases and the old ways are left behind. You are in the process of becoming like Jesus, a servant.       


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