I have a question!
Why do you desire spiritual growth? What is your motivation? Are you trying to use it as an escape route? Do you think it will give you power and authority over someone else?
I have discovered that spiritual growth means greater service to God and to those around us. Spiritual growth calls us to be servants. If you are trying to attain spiritual growth by other means then going through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit you still land up being servants to other spirits and demons.
Another interesting aspect of spiritual growth, I am assuming you are all on a spiritual quest for a closer walk with God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, God becomes much bigger to you than He ever was before. When God becomes bigger to you then you become bigger too. You have a lot more potential and can do things you never thought you could do.
It is not that God gets any bigger. We just become more aware of how big He is. The same is true with us. We do not get any bigger. We become more aware that we are more capable then we thought we were. What is happening is our consciousness is increasing and the unconscious is decreasing. God is totally conscious. He has not lost any of his consciousness like we did because of Adam’s fall. When Adam and Eve fell, they lost much of their consciousness. As we go on with our spiritual development, our consciousness is being restored. As a result, we are more aware of God and of who we are, and more aware of the folks around us.
Jesus said, we would see Him as He is and we would be like Him. When that happens we will be totally conscious one again. We see dimly because our conscious level is so limited. When we become fully conscious then we will see all things clearly.